Yuichi Onoue and his handmade musical instruments
appear on short Japanese TV program
Nov.16th 2011

I would like to introduce short Japanese TV program "Nandacole(what is this?)"on which I appeared.

In this video, at first, I exprain about my handmade musical instruments - both Ribbon Controller and Kaisatsuko. You can see more extensive image of my musical instruments than usual. And in the second half, you can watch my performance with a female dancer Azu Minami. Directed by Ryohei "Sasatani-chez"Sasatani. All music(include BGM) by Yuichi Onoue.

But sorry, this program is only in Japanese language. So I prepared the translation in English as follow.

Ribbon Controller (time 00:10)
This stick shaped thing is electric musical instrument which can change the pitch depending on pressed-down place of ribbon part. The ribbon part is made of PVC sheet and black carbon paper which has some electrical resistance. And inside of stick, there is stainless sheet which has no electrical resistance. There is very short clearance between ribbon sheet and stainless sheet. So it obtains the electrical resistance which depended between the pressed-down place and the terminal. And the pitch of oscillator is controlled by value of this electrical resistance.

Influence of Shortwave Radio (time 00:40)
When I was about 10 years old. I listened to the shortwave radio so much. It was able to receive the broadcast from overseas. - Asia, Middle east and southen countries. Many stations were broadcasting their country/folk music. And it usually was a bad radiowave reception - with noise and fading. I was fascinated by such sound and music very much. And this is one of the reason which I play such kind of electric instruments which can express vibrato, glide and so on.

Kaisatsuko (Time 01:17)
I made original two strings electric instrument which named "Kaisatsuko" in 2003. It is influenced from eastern spike fiddle and western Hurdy-Gurdy. A small hand crank spins a nylon wheel, which vibrates the two steel strings, producing a sustained drone sound of both strings. The rotating wheel acts like a mechanical bow. The pickup mic is also handmade. The electric wire is coiled around the bobbin of the sewing machine. Theoretically, it is the same as the pickup of an electric guitar.

Thank you very much for intensive reading in spite of my bad English.
I hope you enjoy.

PS: If you are interested in my handmade instruments & my music. Plaease check my Youtube TorigoyaSound Channel.

Yuichi Onoue

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